


  • Meet the Professor: Yu Xinguo

    摘要:Meet the Professor: Yu Xinguo Dr. Yu Xinguo (Professor, PhD Supervisor, and a senior member of IEEE and ACM) works at Central China Normal University as the Dean of CCNU Wollongong Joint Institute and a Vice Director of the National Engineering Research Centre for E-Learning. Dr. Yu got his bachelor’s degree in Wuhan University of Technology in Mathematics, first master degree in Computer Software in Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), second master degree in Computer Application at the School of Applied Sciences at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. He got his PhD at the National University of Singapore researching Designing Algorithm for Understanding Multimedia. For the most part of his career, Dr. Yu has been researching on Algorithm Design. Presently, his research on creating deep learning algorithms for solving the problems in AI (Artificial Intelligence), especially in educational technology, is quite impressive. Dr. Yu has always been passionate about Technology. He chooses this career path because he believes that Technology, especially when applied in the educational system, is a catalyst for societal growth and development. Thus, he has devoted most of his career life into disseminating knowledge to his students. When Dr. Yu doesn’t carry out research or supervise student’s research, he spends his leisure time studying. He loves different types of books. When lecturing, Dr. Yu’s takes a two-way communication teaching style. Instead of merely teaching students, he discusses with them in order to find out their interests and guides them according to their interests. He chooses simple, straightforward, and easy topics to discuss and uses plausible examples to buttress his points as well as to increase students’ understanding of the lessons. Thus, in the near future, he wants to write books that would not only arouse the interest of students in Artificial Intelligence but would also break new grounds in the educational sector. How do you define good teaching? To communicate with students, meet their thinking level, and teach them how to think; it is obvious that thinking creates clever men. A teacher should discuss facts in various methods to avoid confusions and boredom. Tell us something about the duties of your current job. I am the dean of Joint Institute so I have to do a lot of works. One of the major tasks is to find out the students’ talents and give full play to their talents in the research fields. Moreover, we want to develop technology through research which can reform education. Besides, improving the efficiency of learning and also efficiency in research can help the case wider. What is the hardest part of your job as a professor? To find out the interest of students and to help them find out their research topic(s) are the hardest parts of this job. What is your favourite part of your current job and why is it your favourite part? Innovation through new technology is the favourite part because many people will benefit from it. What are your current research interests? Why do you choose this topic and to what extent is it important? Two areas, one is auto-solver, which will solve exercise problems by algorithms; secondly, it is an educational robot which can play multi-roles such as a teacher at home, which helps students to study, or a friend which works as a play partner. This technology brings revelation in the education sector because the robots won’t get tired as long as they have been charged. Have you involved your students in your research? Yes, I have involved students in my projects because it’s the part of our education. What experience or skill will help you to manage projects? Experience and understanding ability. Firstly, finding out a draft solution and identify the crucial and hard parts of the project. Then move to find out the solution of the problem iteratively. This is an effective way. Right now, how many international students work under your supervision? Five master students and one PhD. What is the main difference between local and international students? Each one carries his/her unique quality and ability, but in most of the cases, they are similar in educational background. Besides, no big differences could be found. What is the most attractive offer for the students (local as well as international students) of your school? For the international as well as local students, we have a good research area and plenty of research opportunities. Moreover, we are capable of handling a group of researchers because our team sets up a new paradigm to develop technology for the working research area. Does your school have any plan to attract international students? We are trying to recruit foreign students from countries along the Belt and Road and also trying to recruit students from Singapore, Japan, etc. Any student(s) can apply for the Chinese Government Scholarship to continue the study in our school. What is your future plan for the School? We are recruiting full-time professors and staff to strengthen the faculty of the joint institute; in addition, we want to set up new majors in our school such as Educational Technology, Artificial Intelligence, and Communication Engineering. What is your advice for the students? Competition is everywhere; this is the age of competition. If you want to contribute to this society you need to get ready. Students should try to learn how to identify problems even though they may not choose research jobs because every time in the professional field a new problem pops up, it should be faced. Therefore, one should know how to solve a problem. Additionally, a better solution should always be carried out. It is time for students to hold this notion.


    摘要:THERE’S HOPE With every passing day A silent prayer I say That I would be a light To those who’ve lost the fight ‘There’s hope, there’s hope’ from me they’ll hear For there I’ve been and now I’m here To let them know, there’s hope! Shut them out, I would dare not For that perhaps, has been their lot I’ll hear them out, come rain or shine Their pain I’ll soothe like it were mine And when their hearts they’ve poured out to me I’ll boldly tell them what would be ‘There’s hope,’ oh yes, ‘there’s hope’! To those who feel their life is worthless Remember light shines brighter in darkness You’re not alone, I’m here for you I can help you and that I’ll do Get up, cheer up, there's no defeat To those who fight and never quit Stay strong, hold on, believe, there’s hope, for you there’s hope! Your dreams - they will come true Your future is here- brand new Like a woman in labour endures the pain For the joys of motherhood her imminent gain Work hard, the sky is not your limit Others have made it, so believe it ‘When there’s life’ my friend, there’s hope!

  • My Athletic Life

    摘要:My Athletic Life Hanna Yeshinegus Adamseged, an Ethiopian and the only daughter and first born of her family, joined CCNU on September 2016 to pursue PhD program. Now is her final year as a PhD student in the Department of Psychology. How did you start athletics? I utterly remember vividly the day I started running. Sunday, 11th of May, 2014 was mother’s day so I took my mom and dad for dinner but sadly none of my clothes fitted me so I went for dinner with un-zipped trousers. I laughed about it and told my parents. My dad was shocked so the next morning he asked me to walk with him. Because of the respect and love for my father I started walking …. While walking my dad always told me “be strong …today you are a single seed but I believe you will be a jungle in the future”; Little by little I started to walk more kilometres every morning at 5:30 a.m. Day by day I started to feel more relaxed and strong. I loved it. After a year I won the biggest weight loser in my workplace competition and also I became middle school children athletes coach. In all my progress he always mentioned the same thing “the seed can grow bigger than this.” Since that time physical exercise becomes my way of life. I can’t sleep after 5:30 a.m.; as I love to start my day with running. How do you cope with your academic life and exercising? As a student, I always prioritize my academic studies first while spend my free time training. In 2016 after joining CCNU I didn’t stop my habit. CCNU environment is good for all kinds of sports. So I kept on running every morning. Besides, I had classes when I was the first-year student but it has never been a difficulty. Do you think running affects academics? Never! I believe in full-rounded personality. For me, academics, physical fitness, and spiritual life make a person full. So I don’t escape doing my exercise, reading my bible, and working on my academics. And I got Academic Diligence Award from CCNU. Have you encountered any difficulty? On October 1st, 2017, I fell down and I had a fracture on my left leg. At that time I was in my country for data collection. and was so confused about what to do at the beginning. It was very difficult to move around and seemed impossible to collect my data or to exercise any more but I downloaded exercises that can be done with a fractured leg. And after I got a little recovery, I started swimming which later became my second hobby. And till now I swim once a week in the Sports Center of University. After 6 months of injury I started running again but this time I started to challenge little by little. Finally, for the first time, I started competing half marathon. In the past 2 months, I have participated in 3 international marathons and one school competition, in addition to 2016’s two 10 km competitions. What is your personal hope for the future? This time and for my future, I will work on myself to be always ready in every direction. In addition, after graduation, I am planning to be a motivational speaker in my country and internationally for those who are passing through difficult situations. I want to share my life experience as an example and to empower people who are struggling in their lives. What advice will you give to students in achieving their objectives/goals or wishes? My advice is that dedication and discipline give you everything. Be hopeful and work towards it. Start today; there is no better day than today. Stand up and take action!

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